I got caught up in a major scandal in a supermarket while I was buying my wife tampons.

It’s fine for many women to ask their partners to get them tampons and bring them home. It’s perfectly normal to ask for help, and a lot of men are happy to do it. What our hero did was the same. He was a married 30-year-old man who just wanted to help his wife. But when he went to the store, he got caught up in a big, bad drama that he wasn’t expecting. He wrote to us about it to find out what we and our readers think about it.

A 30-year-old man recently sent us a letter in which he wrote about something that made him feel very bad. He began by saying that he is married and that his 28-year-old wife has very painful periods. He wrote that she can’t even leave the house on these days because she has terrible menstrual cramps, migraines, and feeling sick.

When she really needs menstrual pads or tampons because she is sick, she asks her husband to get them for her. The man said that these kinds of requests used to make him feel bad and gave an explanation for that.

“I would feel shy about getting my wife Jenny some pads or tampons when she asked me to,” he wrote. My family was very traditional, and my mom never talked to my dad or me about periods. She always made sure she had enough of these hygiene items for her next period when she bought them in bulk for herself. I had never heard her ask her dad to pick up tampons for her at the store, so when my wife asked me to do it for the first time, it was strange and uncomfortable for me.

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