People who found out a terrible truth about their family

People who found out a terrible truth about their family

When we find a secret or solve a puzzle, our lives can turn upside down every once in a while. These revelations can be scary or unsettling at first, but they often teach us important lessons that make us stronger and more resilient. The true stories we read today show us that life has many turns we didn’t see coming.

“I learned that my aunt was seeing the neighbor when I was twelve years old. It took place while she was watching my brother and me. We were told to go to bed, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I was interested, so I went to her room to talk to her. When I got there, the neighbor was there with her. Because I was so young, she told me not to tell anyone. But it has been following me around ever since, weighing me down every day.” © Reddit user Careless-Wash-3117

“There was dementia in our father, and I found out that my brother was stealing money from him. I only found out about it when the bank that held my dad’s mortgage called to ask why it hadn’t been paid in six months. This went on for a year. My dad’s bank account went into the negative around the same time. I told my brother about it, and he said, “Well, I gotta pay MY bills.” I was going to take over all the accounts to get things back on track, but my dad got sick and died soon after. On top of that, my brother stole some of my inheritance. He stole more than $5,000 from our dying father in the end.” © jimmypfromthe5thgala / Reddit

“I found out my husband had been seeing a 30-year-old woman after he died in 2020. He was 55 years old at the time. It looks like she had an abortion. We were both in our second marriage, so everything he told me about his first marriage was false. He had been having affairs with men since he was in his early 20s. In short, I didn’t know anything about this man. We had been married for 6 years and together for 10 years.” From TinktheChi on Reddit

“I will never forget the person who broke my heart. They were my grandfather and a friend of my grandmother. I loved him a lot and he always did nice things for me. When he found out my grandmother had died, though, my mom told me he took money from her wallet. That made me feel bad, and it was awful to hear. I felt like someone had lied to me. But I don’t see how we could care about him when you’re so quick to do something so heartless. My mom tries to stand up for him and say things like that. It’s sad.” through that_one_chicken_guy on Reddit

“My uncle has schizophrenia and lives with my grandmother. We just found out last week that he has a 12-year-old son that no one knew about. He hasn’t told my grandmother yet, so it’s still a big secret.” SamGee18 on Reddit

“At 42, my mom found out that her dad wasn’t really her dad. She learned that her mother wanted a wealthy married man to leave his wife and child with Down syndrome. He said no, so she moved to Florida with a man my mom thought was her dad. When I was young, my mom got in touch with his kids. The sons seemed to handle it well, but the daughter did not. I do look a lot like one of my mom’s lost aunts, that’s true. But she never got in touch with them again. I want to find them, so I’m pushing her to tell me more.” Crippled2 on Reddit
“We found out that my grandfather did not exist after he died. There was no record of his name in any government list. He was a good citizen; he paid his taxes and had a license. He was married to my grandmother for more than 50 years and had many children. No one knows the truth about him or why he used a fake name.” DaveyPump on Reddit

“A woman and her husband were going through the divorce process. He constantly yelled and put her down, making her life a living hell. Then, he died out of the blue, just as the divorce was coming to an end. Her world fell apart after he died, and she felt terrible guilt when she learned that he had a huge brain tumor that had not been diagnosed and was changing his personality physically. She yelled at everyone she talked to, which made her lose a lot of friends.” Torien0 on Reddit

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