It’s making me crazy that my best friends have plans for my son without telling me. I’m a single mom.

It’s making me crazy that my best friends have plans for my son without telling me. I’m a single mom.
As a single mom, you may find it hard to do everything for your child because you are the only parent. Single moms have two sets of responsibilities, and life can be very hard for them at times. The main character of today’s story is a 24-year-old woman who is a single parent and is dealing with all the problems in a great way. Her best friends, on the other hand, don’t agree, and their unwanted meddling in her life has been keeping her up at night. This is her story.

Andrea has been taking care of her son by herself and has never complained.

Andrea wrote us a very touching and honest letter in which she told us her story. The woman is going through a very hard and complicated time in her life. She now feels unsafe and wants to know what our readers think and suggest.

“Hello, my name is Andrea, and I’m writing this letter. I’m 24 years old and I have a 4-year-old son named Olaf. From the beginning, it’s just been us. This man has not paid child support for years and is not even in the picture. My parents stopped loving me a long time ago, and I don’t talk to them anymore.
I had to quit high school, and since then I’ve had a dozen jobs to support my son and me. We’re not poor by any means, but we rent a one-bedroom apartment and live from one paycheck to the next. Even though things aren’t great where we are now, I hope and will do everything I can so that we can move to a bigger place in the next couple of years. It’s what we have for now.
As a parent, I taught Olaf that money isn’t everything. We might not have a lot, and he doesn’t always wear or have the newest things. But we have each other, and we’re very close.

The woman also said, “My little son has never been without the things he needs, but he doesn’t get many nice extras.” I work hard to save money so that Olaf’s birthdays and other events can be fun, but it’s still not very fancy. I thought that was okay with my son.

She met a nice couple who quickly became her best friends.

“Olaf met a girl named Rosa last year,” Andrea said. They played with each other a lot, and Olaf went to her house in the end. Helen and Paul, Rosa’s parents, and I met a few times before we became friends.
They seemed like very nice and helpful people, and we had a lot in common. I also enjoyed spending time with both of them. Olaf also loved spending time with their little daughter at their house. Helen came to our apartment a lot, and we quickly became best friends.

“Helen is a stay-at-home mom, and she once offered to take Olaf for the whole week,” Andrea says next in her story. I didn’t want to ask her to do so much, but she was nice and insisted. They were great for my son.
They did a lot of fun things together, and Helen denied all of my offers to repay her in part. It made me uncomfortable that she spent so much on my son, but I didn’t want Olaf to miss out on these things.

Not long after the close bond was made, things started to go badly.

Andrea goes on with her story by saying, “Olaf started to come over to Helen and Paul’s house more and more often.” They even told him he should go on vacation with them one time, while I was supposed to work and make money for my family. Everything seemed a little off to me, and the fact that Helen and Paul were paying extra attention to Olaf made me feel uneasy.
They kept saying they loved having Olaf around even after I told them I could never repay them. They always told me what a great kid he is. Kind, polite, and very hardworking.

Andrea said, “At one point, I asked them why they were so set on having Olaf around all the time.” They really shocked me with their answer. They told me straight out that they never meant for Rosa to be an only child, but it just didn’t work out when they tried to give her a sibling.
After that, they said Olaf could stay with them for a long time. They planned for me to be able to see him, but mostly take care of him. At first, I thought this was a joke, but their real plan shocked me.

Andrea was shocked when they told her what they had been doing the whole time.

I asked them what they meant by having Olaf with them for a long time, and they became very quiet. The harsh truth hit me all at once.
After that, they started to talk about the legalities of how I could make them Olaf’s guardians. They promised to make the change as easy as possible. I was told to think about Olaf and what is best for him. They asked me to give up my son, and I told them I would not do it.

“I quickly grabbed Olaf, and we left,” the woman said. I blocked their numbers right away. My son is six years old and doesn’t understand what’s going on. He keeps asking us why we don’t visit them anymore. He’s having a hard time, and I can tell he misses them and Rosa a lot.
But now I know what these people really want, and I’m scared by what they want. Olaf shouldn’t go back there. Should we leave this city? Or should I offer them some kind of deal that they will never bring up this subject again and that Olaf can only see Rosa when I’m there? What should I do?”

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