I gave my vegan sister’s kids meat in secret, and she banned me from all family events.

I gave my vegan sister’s kids meat in secret, and she banned me from all family events.
In families, love, understanding, and having the same values are like threads that hold everyone together. What happens, though, when a small misunderstanding throws this harmony off? The story is about a dinner that seemed harmless but turned into a fight over beliefs, trust, and betrayal.

Her sister is a vegan and is teaching her children the same thing.

Kate, a 38-year-old woman, wrote us a heartfelt letter asking for help with her fight with her sister, which had literally torn the family apart. She began with, “My sister and I have always been especially close despite our different personalities and lifestyles, and the birth of children only strengthened our bond.”

She hasn’t eaten meat or dairy for almost fifty years. Even though she is very strict about her diet, she never criticizes other people for the choices they make. This is something I really admire about her.

“Her son is 6 years old and her daughter is 8 years old. They are very close with my kids, who are 9 years old and 7 years old.” Because she wants to raise her kids as vegans, she has made a special menu and made a list of foods that they can eat. That being said, she says it’s okay if her kids don’t want to be vegan and say they want to eat meat, but she won’t be giving it to them.

Her kids stayed the night at Kate’s house.
Kate went on with her story, “A while ago, her kids stayed at my house.” My kids wanted tacos for dinner, so I told my niece and nephew I could make them without meat. But they were determined to eat meat.

“I joked that they shouldn’t tell their mom that they ate meat, even though my sister said it was fine.” I was only half-joking because she gets very emotional over little things. Up until the next morning, everything was fine. A terrible scream woke me up.

A simple dinner became a big scandal.

“When I went to find out what was going on, I saw my vegan sister standing in the kitchen with a very angry look on her face.” Her kids were sitting at the table in shock.

My sister yelled at me, “What have you done?!” I took a quick look at the kitchen counter, where the bones of last night’s taco dinner were still lying around. Then it clicked. I forgot to let my sister know that the tacos were not vegan. I stuttered, “I’m sorry.” A wave of guilt went through me. “I had no idea they weren’t supposed to eat meat.” When they asked for tacos, I thought, “”

“‘You thought?’ With each word, my sister’s voice got louder, and her hands clenched into fists at her sides. “You thought it was okay to feed my kids something that goes against everything I believe in?” That is bad for their health and well-being?’”

As she looked at her kids, tears filled her eyes. Her voice got softer, but it was still tinged with anger. “Were you aware of what you were eating?” The kids looked at each other nervously and then nodded quietly. “The older one mumbled, her lower lip shaking, “We wanted tacos like our cousins.”

Their relationship is messed up because of a small misunderstanding.

Kate wrote at the end of her letter, “She turned back to me, her face hardened.” “I can’t believe you would lie to me like this.” When I tried to say sorry again, she put up her hand to stop me. “I do not want to hear it.” At that moment, she grabbed her kids’ hands and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving me to feel like the worst sibling in the world.

But this was just the beginning of a bigger problem in the family. Kate wrote in her letter that the fight not only made things hard between her sisters but also negatively affected her relationship with their parents. “Over the next few weeks, I tried to get in touch with my sister to say sorry and make things right, but she refused to listen.” I wish I had talked to my sister before giving her kids food that she doesn’t let them have. But I also thought about what her kids would want to eat because they are old enough to make their own decisions.

“I also learned that I couldn’t go to family events at either my sister’s or my parents’ houses because I might screw up her way of life. It hurt me a lot. The kids and sister I miss a lot. If your readers can help me figure out what to do, that would be great.

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