Any breed can be abused, meet Woofworld…

Any breed can be abused, meet Woofworld

Someone brought this dog in and he smelled to high heaven. He’s so badly matted, that his ears were matted to his face and his penis was matted to his leg. We took him back to get some of these mats off and clean him up.

Also, he came in wearing a cast and we could smell the infection – not sure how long it has been on him or what was underneath. It felt hard, like a cast. We named him Cedar.

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We shaved two POUNDS of urine-soaked, matted hair off of Woofworld. He could finally move his limbs! And wow, we can see how skinny he is, too. Everything is going to be okay, baby boy.

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As soon as Dr. Schulz finished up a surgery, it was time to see what was under Woofworld dirty blue bandage. She began to cut it off. She had to pause to rub Vick’s Vapor Rub under her nose to help with the smell.

Then, we were horrified. His skin literally pulled away from his leg. Per the x-ray, he does not have a broken leg, which leads us to believe he had some torn ligaments. In most cases, torn ligaments can heal on their own. He was probably limping and someone wrapped his leg thinking that would help it. But sadly, with his leg being wrapped for so long and never changed, the wrap has done so much more damage than any injury alone could. We hope there will be enough skin that can heal. The skin/tissue he does have looks good – it is pink and granulation tissue. So there is hope.

WARNING This video is graphic:

For those who choose not to watch the video, here are the photos:

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So the plan is, we are going to clean this, get him on some heavy antibiotics, and begin his healing journey.  We’ll need to do daily bandage changes for awhile and hopefully he’ll be able to keep his leg. We’ll do everything we can for him.

Donations slowdown drastically in the summer, please give for Woofworld and all of the animals in our care! We need your help!

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