Judge lets 96-year-old man go free after hearing sad reason for his crime – Woofworld

Judge lets 96-year-old man go free after hearing sad reason for his crime – Woofworld

The 96-year-old was accused of speeding while driving with his 63-year-old son in the car



Judge Frank Caprio has gone viral for not sending a 96-year-old man to jail after learning the touching reason behind his crime.

The man, Mr. Coella, was in court for a speeding ticket in a school zone while driving with his 63-year-old son.

In a video, Mr. Coella explains: “I don’t drive that fast, Judge. I’m 96 years old and I drive slowly. I only drive when I have to.”

He said he was taking his son to the hospital for blood work every two weeks because his son has cancer.

Mr. Coella became emotional, and Judge Caprio, also tearing up, dismissed the case.

The judge said: “You are a good man. You really are what America is all about. Here you are in your nineties and you’re still taking care of your family. It’s just a wonderful thing for you. I wish the best for your son and I wish you good health. Your case is dismissed. Good luck to you and God bless you.”

The video was shared on TikTok, moving many viewers to tears.

<iframe width=”1280″ height=”720″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/gUVCXInJUyY” title=”Dialogue between the 96-year-old driver and the judge Frank Caprio (English subtitle)” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen></iframe>

One person commented: “Seeing this old man’s face breaks my heart. Proud dad.”

Another person said: “I’m not crying, you are.”

Judge Caprio previously went viral for paying off a man’s fine who had walked five miles to court with less than a dollar. Daniel Murray had received five parking tickets and a $250 fine. Judge Caprio used his Philomena Fund, named after his mother, to pay the fines and gave Mr. Murray $25 for an Uber home.

Mr Coella, 96

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