I wouldn’t let a tragedy in my family ruin my wedding day.

I wouldn’t let a tragedy in my family ruin my wedding day.

In the worst times, family is supposed to be there for us no matter what, but life can throw us into very tough situations. As Leah’s wedding date got closer, tragedy struck: the husband and son of her sister died just days before the wedding. In the middle of all this pain, Leah’s sister told her to call off the wedding, but she refused.

Things took a heartbreaking turn after that, though. Leah told us her story.

This is Leah’s letter.

“Six days before my wedding, my sister’s husband and eight-year-old son died in an accident.” She asked me to cancel, but I told her, “I can’t give up my day.” Everything has already been paid for. She kept quiet.

When the big day came, we were all dancing when my sister came out of the crowd laughing so hard she could barely breathe. At that moment, all of a sudden, we heard a huge sound, the lights in the party space went out, and the music stopped.

I was scared when I saw pictures of her son and his new husband on the big projection wall where our wedding pictures were. At that very moment, I realized she had planned to ruin my big day.

Then my sister got up on stage and spoke to me. “You’re up here dancing and partying while your little nephew died less than a week ago,” she said. You should feel bad!”

She also said, “When you have kids of your own, I will treat them with the same indifference you treated mine!” before leaving the stage.

After that, there was silence, and soon after, the guests began to leave. My whole day was ruined.

Was it my fault?


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