Scared Skinny Dog Who Hid In The Bushes From Her Foster Turns Into A Happy Princess After She Discovers Love…

Scared Skinny Dog Who Hid In The Bushes From Her Foster Turns Into A Happy Princess After She Discovers Love

Scared Skinny Dog Who Hid In The Bushes From Her Foster Turns Into A Happy Princess After She Discovers Love

Sometimes, we tend to forget just how important foster care is for rescued animals.

Living in harsh environments prior to being rescued can really take a toll on these animals. They are scared, confused, and have trouble trusting any hoomans that approaches them.

However, when they enter a foster home with a gentle hooman who is able to focus only on them and is patient and understanding, these animals can start to learn what it truly feels like to be a loving member of a family.

That is exactly what happened to a pup named Putri when she became a foster dog to Kelly.

Unfortunate Life


scared dog standing
Source: The Dodo

Before being in Kelly’s care, Putri was living on the streets where she didn’t receive any care, food, or water.

Because of this, she was extremely malnourished, and her once beautiful fur had completely fallen off.

When she was finally noticed by some rescuers, they knew that if she wasn’t immediately rescued, she wouldn’t survive for too long in those living conditions.


skinny dog eating food
Source: The Dodo

Luckily, catching her didn’t prove to be a difficult task and Putri was immediately rushed to the vet.

Even though she was well taken care of while at the vet, her doctors knew that if she were to get better, she needed to find a loving foster family that would dedicate themselves to her. And, that is when Kelly stepped in.

“She was just completely terrified so they thought it would be so much better for her to heal and rest and recover in a foster home. I told them I can take her,” Kelly told The Dodo.

At The Fosters

When Putri arrived at Kelly’s home, she was so terrified that the first thing she did was hide herself in the bushes.

From that point onward, the bushes became her home.


dog in bush
Source: The Dodo

Even though Kelly didn’t like the fact that her foster dog was living in the bushes for three weeks, she knew that forcing her out of them would be so much worse.

“At first, I would put food outside the bushes. I could see that she was eating the food that I was throwing in,” she added.

However, after some time, Kelly started sitting in front of the bushes with food in her hand, and eventually, Putri would pop her head out from the leaves and eat the food from her hand.


cute dog in a bush
Source: The Dodo

But, Putri still didn’t fully trust her.

If she stepped out of the bushes and noticed Kelly looking at her, she would immediately retreat back to her safe space.

“It took her a really long time but she was slowly learning to trust. And then I thought ‘This can’t stay like this. She can’t live in there forever’,” added Kelly.

But, another concern this determined rescuer had was her dogs. Since they are very happy and outgoing, Kelly thought that it would only scare Putri even more.

But, oh, was she proven wrong!

Incredible Transformation

When Kelly went out one morning to check up on her, she noticed her and the other dogs playing their little hearts out together.


three dogs playing outside
Source: The Dodo

This was a huge milestone for Putri. She was finally coming out of her shell and even starting to go inside the house in the evenings to explore it for a bit after going back outside to her bushes.

“The first time she laid down on her side with her stomach exposed was like, she really feels relaxed and vulnerable. But I think for her, the biggest thing was when she started to be able to leave my house and go for walks,” said Kelly.

Putri loved going for walks and exploring nature. She was finally confident enough to freely run around and feel like a real dog.

And, when she would come back home, Putri would get the biggest zoomie rush ever!

Kelly believes that her other dogs really did play a crucial role in Putri’s transformation, as they were her role models who taught her what being a dog was all about.


sweet dog with tongue out
Source: The Dodo

Putri went from being a pup hiding in the bushes to one who couldn’t wait for her hooman to come home so that she could get some good pets and cuddles.

Her fur grew back, she gained a lot of healthy weight, her confidence was stronger than ever, and she was excited to be alive!

A big thank you to Kelly for being the most patient and determined foster mom ever who helped this adorable pup see how beautiful life can truly be.

You are a hero!

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